Making Your Home a Smart Home Has Never Been Easier or Cheaper
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Making Your Home a Smart Home Has Never Been Easier or Cheaper

Katie Overmonds
March 16, 2018

My morning get-out-of-the-house routine often goes something like this: Lights off? Check. Kettle unplugged? Check. Doors locked? Check.

And once I’m juuuuust far enough away from home … “Am I missing something?”

I’ll admit; I’ve been known to hop on my bike to head to work, only to get to the end of my street and turn around when I can’t shake that nagging feeling.

“Did I leave the iron on?”

In addition to my ongoing fears of burning the house down (I’m pleased to report that I have never left the iron on, despite returning home on several occasions to check), I also HATE wasting energy. Spending money to keep my laptop plugged in when it’s fully charged? No thanks.

So I was pretty darn excited when I heard about OhmConnect’s new partnership with Hive, and the introduction of their ‘Welcome Home Packs’.

What is a Hive Welcome Home Pack?

With Hive, you can put your worries at ease.

These days if you can’t shake the feeling of having left something on, you can skip the race back home and simply check your smartphone and get some reassurance that your thermostat is not wasting energy when you’re not home, that the lights are off, the door sensor is activated and that the plugs controlling the iron, kettle etc are turned off. Heck, I wouldn’t be surprised if it could tell you if your plants have been watered!

In the Welcome Home Pack, you get:

  • Hive Active Thermostat
  • Hive Active Plug
  • 2 Hive Active Lights (Either ‘Cool’ or ‘Warm White’)
  • Hive Window or Door Sensor
  • Hive Motion Sensor
  • Hive Hub

And best of all? Since you’re an OhmConnect user, you can get 20% off the Welcome Home Pack as a thanks from OhmConnect for hooking it up. (The Welcome Home Pack helps OhmConnect too since with an automated home, you can almost always guarantee your OhmHour participation - even when you’re not home!)

Get 20% off a Hive Welcome Home Pack!

OhmConnect has partnered with Hive to give you more ways to earn weekly payments by creating a home smart enough to know when to save energy.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Buy Hive smart products (with a 20% off) and connect them to your OhmConnect account.
  2. Save energy. Your Hive products make #OhmHours a breeze. Forgot an #OhmHour was happening? No problem. Hive has got you covered.
  3. Get paid!

OhmConnect - helping to improve my carbon footprint, my bank statements and my stress levels. Here’s to no more ‘I’ve burned the house down’ fears ever again!

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