17 Ways to Save on Energy Bills in 2022
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17 Ways to Save on Energy Bills in 2022

Katie Overmonds
July 18, 2022

Chances are you’ve noticed the skyrocketing prices at the pumps when you go to fill up your car. Or had sticker shock when you went to buy a loaf of bread at the grocery store. Who hasn’t? 

But one sneakier, easier-to-miss price increase? Your energy bill. 

It’s likely that without you making any changes to how you use energy at home, your costs may be creeping up (or soaring!) this summer. And we want to help! Check out our list of 17 ways to save on your energy bills in 2022. 

Use electricity at times when it’s cheaper 

  1. Take advantage of Time-of-Use rates: Did you know that the same load of laundry could cost you nearly DOUBLE the amount of money during certain hours of the day than it would at others? It’s true. That’s why it pays to understand how Time-of-Use Rates work and how to save electricity and money by getting smarter about how and – more importantly –  when you use energy in your home. Read our full blog on how to pay less for electricity with Time-of-Use Rates

  1. Sign up for OhmConnect to get paid to save energy. Haven’t heard of OhmConnect yet? It’s a no-cost, no-risk home energy management service that will actually pay you to save energy. Plus they send you notifications to let you know when energy prices are spiking in your neighborhood so you can choose when to unplug and save. This little hack could save you hundreds of dollars every year! 

Save money on heating and cooling

  1. Not home? Turn off the air conditioner. No use cooling your whole home when nobody is even there to enjoy it! 

  1. Better yet, get a smart thermostat. The easiest and best way to stay comfortable while reducing electricity bills is to use a smart thermostat. These brilliant devices will shave a degree here or there -- nothing you would notice, but over a month it really adds up.

  1. Use a fan. We get it. Summer is HOT! If you can, try turning on your ceiling fans instead of touching the thermostat. Using a ceiling fan can make a room feel 10 degrees Fahrenheit cooler, and a fan uses 10% of the energy that a central air conditioner does, according to the US Natural Resource Defense Council

Save energy in the kitchen 

  1. Turn off the stove and oven a little early. If you turn off the burner early, the stove will still release enough heat to finish up whatever you're cooking and save electricity.

  1. Keep your oven closed. Every time you open an oven door while cooking, the internal temperature can drop 25 degrees Fahrenheit. The oven then has to use more electricity to bring the temperature back up. To save electricity, peek through the window and rely on the oven's light instead of opening the door.
Using an app to save on energy bills
  1. Use the microwave, crock pot, or toaster oven. A microwave takes 15 minutes to do the same job as one hour in an oven. Use a microwave instead of your oven four times a week and save $13/year.

  1. Air dry your dishes. Opt-out of the heat-dry cycle on your dishwasher. Instead, crack open the door and let your dishes air-dry. If your dishwasher has an air-dry option, use that instead of heat-dry. Air drying plates can reduce your dishwasher's energy use by 15% to 50%, according to the California Energy Commission.

Save money in the laundry room

  1. Upgrade your washer and dryer. Older appliances aren't as energy-efficient as they could be. For example, Energy Star estimates that a washer over 10 years old could cost you around $190, on average, per year.

  1. Wash clothing in cold water.  According to EPA affiliate Energy Star, your washer uses about 90 percent of its energy heating up the water. Switching your temperature settings from hot to warm can cut energy consumption in half – and shifting from warm to cold can save even more.

  1. Dry clothes on a laundry line instead of the dryer.  This one takes a bit more time but makes a serious difference to the cost of a load. Opting to air-dry your clothes spares your energy bill an extra dry cycle and adds to your favorite T-shirt’s shelf life.

  1. Dry on “moisture sensor” mode. Instead of setting your dryer for an exact amount of time, try the moisture sensor mode, which automatically ends the cycle as soon as the clothes are dry. It saves time and can reduce your bill.

  1. Wash bigger loads. Your washing machine will use the same amount of mechanical energy whether you select “small” or “super.” Take advantage of the electricity you’re already using by washing larger loads. 

Save energy in your living room or office 

  1. Get a power strip to turn off electronics. One of the best ways to control big power wasters like computers and entertainment systems is by plugging them into a power strip or a smart outlet like the TP-Link Kasa Smart Wi-Fi Power Strip. Just switch the strip off or use the smart switch's app to turn off electricity guzzlers when you go to bed or you're not home. 

  1. Use a smart plug. You may think that your electronics and appliances are energy-efficient, but you might be using more electricity than you think. The OhmPlug is a gadget that plugs into your wall; you can schedule it to turn your electronic devices on and off automatically.   

Get help paying your electricity bill

  1. Ask your electricity provider for help. Still tight for cash? In some locations you can get help paying your electricity bill through your utility with a payment assistance plan. In some regions, low-income customers can get emergency assistance for their electricity bills. Simply Google “help paying electric bill” and the name of your utility to find out if they have an applicable program.  

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