A mother and her two daughters playing with the outdoor hose after learning about some cooling hacks for the summer!
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Summer is on its way

7 Home Cooling Hacks You'll Wish You Knew About Sooner

Kimberly Hutchings
June 12, 2024

Spring has sprung, and summer is on its way.

Weekend plans will soon include backyard BBQs, evening strolls around the neighborhood, and afternoon swims at the local pool.

Unfortunately, though, fun-filled activities aren't the only things on the agenda in the coming months because with the shift in the seasons comes another less exciting aspect of summer—heat waves.

According to the US Global Change Research Program, the average heat wave season in many major American cities is 49 days longer than it was in the 1960s. Yikes! That's more than a month and a half longer to worry about keeping our homes cool—talk about a utility bill nightmare!

The good news is there are plenty of ways to beat the heat while still saving money and energy. Here are seven cooling hacks to keep in mind this summer—no A/C needed!

1. Close your curtains during peak sunshine hours.

Did you know that as much as 75 percent of the sunlight that hits our windows becomes heat inside our homes? That's a lot of extra warmth for your air conditioner to contend with as it tries to cool your home!

To help combat the added heat, consider closing your curtains and blinds during daylight hours when the sun is at its peak.

If you must keep some curtains open during the day (we get it; no one likes sitting in the dark), prioritize north and west-facing windows. These windows tend to receive the least sunshine throughout the day!

2. Take advantage of natural ventilation.

Your windows may let heat in during the day, but that doesn't mean they can't also help cool things down. You just have to use them correctly.

To do so, you'll need to understand a concept called 'stack ventilation.'

Stack ventilation works on the concept that hot air rises. Warm air in your home naturally flows upwards to the top levels of your space. And it's a phenomenon you can use to your advantage!

To do so, open a window on the lower level of your home and another on the top floor. This creates a natural stack ventilation system. Cooler air will circulate in from downstairs, pushing warmer air up and allowing it to escape through the window on the top floor. Easy!

3. Circulate air with a portable fan.

And while we're on the topic of air circulation, don't underestimate the power of a good, energy-efficient portable fan!

While fans don't actually cool things down (contrary to popular belief), they help speed up the evaporation of moisture, like our sweat, and can improve natural ventilation (a process you already started by opening up those windows in our last tip!).

OUR PICK: The Vornado 6303DC Energy Smart Circulator Fan utilizes an energy-efficient, brushless DC motor that consumes up to 80 percent less energy than a comparable AC motor fan! Plus, its deep-pitched blades and enclosed air duct are designed to move air up to 85 feet, and the tiltable head directs airflow wherever you need it.

PRO TIP! If you're using a ceiling fan, ensure the blades rotate counterclockwise in the summer months. This direction helps to push cooler air downwards, maximizing the fan's cooling effect.

In the winter, have them rotate clockwise! Doing so will help push warm air that gets trapped near your ceiling towards the floor and bring cool air upwards to the ceiling. It's a strategy that minimizes the draft effects that make your room feel cool.

4. Ditch the oven and opt for an energy-free dinner.

When the weather outside is hot and sticky, the last thing you want to do at the end of a long workday is fire up the oven, adding more heat to your home.

Instead, opt for an energy-free dinner! There are so many recipes out there that don't require electrical appliances, and taking advantage of them on hot days can save you energy and help eliminate the risk of extra heat gathering in your space.

Some of our favorites? This 'No-Noodle Pad Thai' from COOKIE + Kate and Sue Moran's 'Chopped Asparagus Salad!'

Bonus points if you finish your meal with a cooling, sweet treat like a homemade popsicle!

5. Save energy by cooling yourself!

Another cooling hack to help you save energy this summer without compromising on comfort? Focus on cooling yourself!

Loose-fitting, lightweight, and breathable clothing (like cotton or linen), cool showers, and cold compresses (like a damp bandana) on your wrists and neck are all good tricks for keeping your body's internal temperature low and you feeling cool.

You'll also want to stay plenty hydrated. Ample water helps you regulate your body temperature while simultaneously replacing moisture lost through sweating, protecting us from the side effects of dehydration! A reusable water bottle is a great way to ensure you get plenty throughout the day, whether at home or on the go.

6. Make the switch to LEDs.

You may also want to consider switching to LED light bulbs if you haven't already done so.

Not only do LEDs use 75 percent less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs. They also last 50 times longer *and* they emit way less heat!

Incandescent bulbs lose as much as 90 percent of their energy as heat, and compact fluorescent bulbs (CFLs) lose up to 80. In contrast, LED lights emit minimal heat, saving you energy and minimizing the potential for unwanted warmth along the way.

While we're not saying that swapping to LEDs will transform your home into a cool-weather oasis, it's an important reminder of the impact that can happen when we take collective small steps. Plus, with a longer lifespan and far higher efficiency, swapping to LEDs is really a win-win-win if you ask us!

7. Garden your way to a cooler home.

Our final tip is a long-term cooling hack, and it has the added bonus of bringing some real curb appeal to your home. Plant some shade trees!

If your garden space allows, planting trees strategically near windows that receive large amounts of sun can help you block out some of that extra sunlight. It may not deliver immediate results, but as your trees grow and cover more area, you'll reap the rewards of added shade and a cooler, greener home.

If you want to ensure you’ll still maximize the added warmth from the sun during winter, opt for trees that lose their leaves when the weather cools. This way, you're getting the best of both worlds!

And that's that — seven home cooling hacks you probably wish you knew about sooner!

Consider trying a couple yourself or mixing all seven into your daily routines this summer. We guarantee you'll be feeling a whole lot cooler during those inevitable heat waves (and who knows, you may even give your A/C a well-earned summer vacation along the way)!

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