Regulatory Documents

January 13, 2021

OhmConnect Letter to California Energy Agencies Regarding August 2020 Heat Wave

California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC)


February 24, 2022

Protest of OhmConnect to Advice Letters 6496-E, 4709-E and 3950-E (ELRP Residential Pilot)

February 9, 2022

Response of OhmConnect to Advice Letters 6473-E, 4695-E and 3933-E (Establishment of Smart Communication Thermostat Program)

May 5, 2020

Protest of California Efficiency + Demand Management Council, CPower, Enel X North America, Inc., and OhmConnect, Inc. to Advice Letter (ALs)5799-E, 4182-E, and 3522-E (Demand Response 2018-2022 Mid-Cycle Review)

May 5, 2020

Protest of OhmConnect to Advice Letters 5233-E, 3746-E, and 3189-E (Plans for Informing Customers of Demand Response Program Options Webpages)

Co-DRP Protest of PG&E AL 4880-E (PG&E’s 2017 DRAM Pilot Solicitation Results)


Rulemaking (R.) 23-10-011 Rulemaking to Oversee the Resource Adequacy Program, Consider Program Reforms and Refinements, and Establish Forward Resource Adequacy Procurement Obligations

November 20, 2023

Joint Reply Comments of OhmConnect and the California Efficiency and Demand Management Council on Order Instituting Rulemaking

November 8, 2023

Joint Comments of OhmConnect and the California Efficiency and Demand Management Council on Order Instituting Rulemaking

Application (A.) 22-05-002 Application of Pacific Gas and Electric Company (U39E) for Approval of its Demand Response Programs, Pilots and Budgets for Program Years 2023-2027 (Consolidated Docket)

November 28, 2023

Joint Opening Comments of OhmConnect, Leap, and the California Efficiency and Demand Management Council on Proposed Decision

November 3, 2023

Reply Brief of OhmConnect on Phase II Demand Response Auction Mechanism

August 11, 2023

Reply Brief of OhmConnect on Phase II 2024-2027 Demand Response Programs for Investor Owned Utilities

July 14, 2023

Opening Brief of OhmConnect on Phase II 2024-2027 Demand Response Programs for Investor Owned Utilities

January 5, 2023

Reply Comments of OhmConnect on Proposed Decision

December 29, 2022

Opening Comments of OhmConnect on Proposed Decision

October 28, 2022

Reply Brief of OhmConnect on the Demand Response Auction Mechanism

October 7, 2022

Opening Brief of OhmConnect on Demand Response Auction Mechanism

September 2, 2022

Reply Brief of OhmConnect on Phase I Bridge Funding

August 22, 2022

Opening Brief of OhmConnect on on Phase I Bridge Funding

Rulemaking (R.) 21-12-006 SDG&E RTP Application

January 14, 2022

Protest of The California Solar and Storage Association, Enel North America, and OhmConnect ("Joint Advanced Rate Parties" or "JARP") to SDG&E's RTP Application

Rulemaking (R.) 21-10-002 OIR to Oversee the Resource Adequacy Program

August 04, 2023

Joint Application for Rehearing of Decision 23-06-029 of OhmConnect, Inc., Leapfrog Power, Inc., Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Technologies, California Efficiency + Demand Management Council,Enel X North America, Inc., CPower

Joint Motion for Partial Stay of Decision 23-06-029 of OhmConnect, Inc., Enel X North America, Inc., Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Technologies,Leapfrog Power, Inc., California Efficiency + Demand Management Council, CPower

June 14, 2023

Opening Comments of OhmConnect, Inc. on Proposed Decision

March 23, 2023

Opening Comments of OhmConnect, Inc. on Proposed Decision

March 08, 2023

Reply Comments of OhmConnect, Inc. on the California Energy Commission’s Supply Side Demand Response Report

March 03, 2023

Reply Comments of OhmConnect, Inc. on Implementation Track Phase III Proposals

March 01, 2023

Opening Comments of OhmConnect, Inc. on the California Energy Commission’s Supply Side Demand Response Report

February 24, 2023

Joint Opening Comments of OhmConnect, Inc., California Efficiency + Demand Management Council, CPower on Implementation Track Phase III Proposals

December 12, 2022

Reply Comments of OhmConnect, Inc. on Assigned Commissioner’s Amended Scoping Memo and Ruling (Reform Track Phase 2)

March 22, 2022

Reply Comments of OhmConnect on the CEC DR Qualifying Capacity Working Group Report

March 14, 2022

Opening Comments of OhmConnect on the CEC DR Qualifying Capacity Working Group Report

February 14, 2022

Opening Comments of OhmConnect on Proposals in the Implementation Track

November 1, 2021

DR Coalition Opening Comments on OIR

Rulemaking (R.) 20-11-003 Emergency Reliability

November 16, 2021

Reply Comments of OhmConnect on Phase II Proposed Decision

November 10, 2021

Opening Comments of OhmConnect on Phase II Proposed Decision

September 27, 2021

Reply Brief of OhmConnect (Phase II)

September 20, 2021

Opening Brief of OhmConnect (Phase II)

September 10, 2021

Phase II Reply Testimony of OhmConnect

September 1, 2021

Phase II Opening Testimony of OhmConnect

July 21, 2021

Reply Testimony of OhmConnect (Response to PG&E and CEJA residential DR proposals)

March 15, 2021

Opening Comments of OhmConnect on Proposed Decision Directing PG&E, SCE and SDG&E to Take Actions to Prepare for Potential Extreme Weather in the Summers of 2021 and 2022

February 12, 2021

Reply Brief of the DR Coalition

February 5, 2021

Opening Brief of the DR Coalition

January 19, 2021

Rebuttal Testimony of the DR Coalition

January 11, 2021

Opening Testimony of the DR Coalition

December 18, 2020

Response of OhmConnect to ALJ's Ruling Directing Parties to Respond to Proposals and Questions Regarding Emergency Capacity Procurement by the Summer of 2021

December 10, 2020

Reply Comments of OhmConnect on Order Instituting Rulemaking

November 30, 2020

Comments of OhmConnect on Order Instituting Rulemaking

Rulemaking (R.) 20-05-012 Regarding Policies, Procedures and Rules for the Self-Generation Incentive Program and Related Issues.

April 19, 2024

Joint Application for Rehearing by Leap, CPower, Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Technologies, California Efficiency and Demand Management Council, OhmConnect, Qcells, and Voltus

February 27, 2024

Joint Reply Comments of California Efficiency and Demand Management Council, Leap, and OhmConnect on Proposed Decision

February 27, 2024

Opening Comments of California Efficiency and Demand Management Council, Leap, and OhmConnect on Proposed Decision

Applications (A.) 19-11-019 Application of PG&E to Revise Its Electric Marginal Costs, Revenue Allocation and Rate Design

November 20, 2021

Testimony of the Joint Advanced Rate Parties in PG&E’s 2020 General Rate Case Phase II Application

January 10, 2021

Protest of The California Solar and Storage Association, California Energy Storage Alliance, and OhmConnect ("Joint Advanced Rate Parties" or "JARP") to PG&E’s 2020 General Rate Case Phase II Application

Rulemaking (R.) 19-11-009 OIR to Oversee the Resource Adequacy Program

October 25, 2021

Reply to Party Responses to OhmConnect's Petition for Modification of D. 20-06-031

September 9, 2021

Petition of OhmConnect for Modification of D. 20-06-031

June 15, 2021

Reply Comments of OhmConnect on Proposed Decision Adopting Local Capacity Obligations for 2022-2024, Flexible Capacity Obligations for 2022, and Refinements to the Resource Adequacy Program

June 10, 2021

Opening Comments of OhmConnect on Proposed Decision Adopting Local Capacity Obligations for 2022-2024, Flexible Capacity Obligations for 2022, and Refinements to the Resource Adequacy Program

May 4, 2021

Joint Reply Comments of the California Efficiency + Demand Management Council, CPower, Enel X, Leapfrog Power, OhmConnect, and Sunrun on Administrative Law Judge’s Ruling on Energy Division’s Demand Response Proposal and Seeking Comments on Energy Division’s Proposal

April 29, 2021

Joint Opening Comments of the California Efficiency + Demand Management Council, CPower, Enel X, Leapfrog Power, OhmConnect, and Sunrun on Administrative Law Judge’s Ruling on Energy Division’s Demand Response Proposal and Seeking Comments on Energy Division’s Proposal

March 26, 2021

OhmConnect, Inc. Reply Comments on Resource Adequacy Track 3B.1 And Track 4 Proposals

March 12, 2021

Joint Opening Comments of the California Efficiency + Demand Management Council, CPower, Enel X, Leapfrog Power and OhmConnect on Resource Adequacy Revised Track 3.B.1 Proposals, Second Revised Track 3.B.2 Proposals and Track 4 Proposals

January 28, 2021

Joint Track 4 Proposal of the California Efficiency + Demand Management Council, CPower, Leapfrog Power and OhmConnect

January 28, 2021

Joint Track 3B.1 Proposal of the California Efficiency + Demand Management Council, CPower, Enel X, Leapfrog Power and OhmConnect

October 15, 2020

Motion of OhmConnect for a Narrow Partial Stay of D.20-06-031

June 16, 2020

Joint Reply Comments of the California Efficiency + Demand Management Council, CPower, Enel X, Leapfrog Power and OhmConnect on Proposed Decision Adopting Local Capacity Obligations For 2021-2023, Adopting Flexible Capacity Obligations for 2021, and Refining Resource Adequacy Program

June 11, 2020

Joint Opening Comments of the California Efficiency + Demand Management Council, CPower, Enel X, Leapfrog Power and OhmConnect on Proposed Decision Adopting Local Capacity Obligations For 2021-2023, Adopting Flexible Capacity Obligations for 2021, and Refining Resource Adequacy Program

April 2, 2020

Joint Reply Comments of California Efficiency + Demand Management Council, CPower, Enel X, Leapfrog Power, and OhmConnect on Track 2 Proposals, Working Group Reports and March 5, 2020 Workshop

March 23, 2020

Joint Opening Comments of California Efficiency + Demand Management Council, CPower, Enel X, Leapfrog Power, and OhmConnect on Track 2 Proposals, Working Group Reports and March 5, 2020 Workshop

February 21, 2020

OhmConnect Track 2 Proposal

Applications (A.) 19-03-002 Application of SDG&E for Authority to Update Marginal Costs, Cost Allocation, and Electric Rate Design

July 6, 2021

Joint Reply Comments of JARP and Enel North America on Proposed Decision

June 29, 2021

Joint Opening Comments of JARP and Enel North America on Proposed Decision

December 4, 2020

Joint Reply Brief of JARP and Enel North America

November 16, 2020

Joint Opening Brief of JARP and Enel North America

November 5, 2020

Rebuttal Testimony of JARP and Enel North America to the Supplemental Testimony of The Utility Reform Network

August 31, 2020

Prepared Supplemental Testimony of JARP and Enel North America

April 6, 2020

Prepared Testimony of California Solar and Storage Association, OhmConnect and California Energy Storage Alliance (“Joint Advanced Rate Parties” or "JARP")

Application (A.) 18-11-015 Application of Pacific Gas and Electric Company for Approval of Its Proposals and Cost Recovery for Improvements to the Click-Through Authorization Process

September 12, 2023

Reply Comments on Proposed Decision

September 7, 2023

Comments on Proposed Decision

June 18, 2021

Joint Reply Brief of OhmConnect, Leap, and the California Efficiency and Demand Management Council

May 28, 2021

Joint Opening Brief of OhmConnect, Leap, and the California Efficiency and Demand Management Council

November 30, 2020

Joint Response of OhmConnect, Mission:Data Coalition, and Home Energy Analytics to SCE’s November 13, 2020 Motion

November 12, 2020

Joint Response of OhmConnect, Mission:Data Coalition, and Home Energy Analytics to PG&E’s Motion for Ruling on Filing an Amended Application

October 1, 2020

Joint Response of OhmConnect, Mission:Data Coalition, and Home Energy Analytics to the Utilities’ Joint Motion for Clarification and Reconsideration

September 11, 2020

Joint Objection of OhmConnect, Mission:Data Coalition, Home Energy Analytics, California Energy Storage Alliance, and California Efficiency and Demand Management Council to the Joint Applicants’ Response to Ruling Ordering Supplemental Briefing

July 20, 2020

Joint Objection of OhmConnect, Mission:Data Coalition, Home Energy Analytics, California Energy Storage Alliance, and California Efficiency and Demand Management Council to the Joint Utilities Motion to Respond and to Suspend the Scoping Ruling Schedule

December 7, 2018

Protest to Application

Rulemaking (R.) 17-09-020 OIR to Oversee the Resource Adequacy Program

April 15, 2020

Reply Comments of OhmConnecton Proposed Decision on Central Procurement of the Resource Adequacy Program

April 15, 2020

Comments of OhmConnect on Proposed Decision on Central Procurement of the Resource Adequacy Program

California Independent System Operator (CAISO)

Energy Storage and Distributed Energy Resources (ESDER) Phase 4

March 16, 2020

Comments of OhmConnect on Energy Storage and Distributed Energy Resources Phase 4 Second Revised Straw Proposal & Working Group Meeting (March 2-3)